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Svenska Internationella Detektivbyrån Svenska Internationella Detektivbyrån
Svenska Internationella Detektivbyrån


We perform tests for companies, large corporations and individuals where
we can investigate about the company, corporation or individual any
of the following matters: Economic situation, current and past debts of the
bailiff or the IRS, Payment Remarks, Annual Reports, Company directors,
and board members, Criminal records in progress or completed.

There is of course much more we can carry out on your behalf,
we can tailor the service to each individual clent with only a phone call
should that be your requirement.

  Svenska Internationella Detektivbyrån


+46 708 891 555


Svenska Internationella Detektivbyrån
134 35 Gustavsberg

Contact person
Björn Nyström
Svenska Internationella Detektivbyrån